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What our customers say about us

In its entirety, we can save up to 30% of a traffic controller's work by using pinDeliver in our operations.
John Jardman
Key Account Manager, GDL
Ever since we first tested pinDeliver for route optimization four years ago, we have been impressed with the platform, and we are happy to develop the collaboration into a full-scale solution for our entire transport process.
Magnus Schultz
Strategy and Development Manager, Martin & Servera
In its entirety, we can save up to 30% of a traffic controller's work by using pinDeliver in our operations.
John Jardman
Key Account Manager, GDL
Ever since we first tested pinDeliver for route optimization four years ago, we have been impressed with the platform, and we are happy to develop the collaboration into a full-scale solution for our entire transport process.
Magnus Schultz
Strategy and Development Manager, Martin & Servera
Jon Perslow

Jon Perslow

Vice President / Head of Product

Richard Robertsson

Richard Robertsson

Head of Sales